Hello everyone it's Duk3 here and I'm here trying to sell my Combat Arms account. I'm trying to sell my Combat Arms Account to purchase a knife for CSGO if anyone is wondering why. I do have all the information for the account and I will even reset all information for you so you can have full control of it. The account has never been ban on Combat Arms, and it is fully clean and in good standing. The account has at least $170+ of stuff on it but I'm look for a offer that is not below $50. If you are interested in purchasing the account please PM your skype and please be serious about purchasing the account. Here are some image of what's on the account Rules Code: 1. I will not good first. I'm not here to scam anyone and I just want it off my hand. 2. You much send the money as a gift to my paypal. If you do not know how to do this, here is a how all you need to do is [url=http://i.imgur.com/pxD3uQR.png]THIS[/url] 3.After I've recieve the payment I will give you the login and you can even reset the email to your own
i believe this was on LC as well, If so and you are the same person i already responded and gave my skype name but here it is again: thepersonwhowantsnxforfree I can pay $60 with a MM via paypal