Buying Looking to buy maxed out Town hall 10 Base

Discussion in 'Clash of Clan Old Accounts | COC Accounts Sold' started by CoolThing18, 6/20/14.

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  1. CoolThing18

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    This is my Base[​IMG]
    I am looking for something stronger than this
    What i am looking for:
    Town Hall 10
    Most troups Maxed our 1 level from maxed
    at least lv 7-8 walls
    3 lv 2+ xbows
    2 infernos any lvl 2+ perfered
    lv 11+ cannons
    lv 7+ Army caps
    Maxed collectors
    lv 4+ CC
    lv 4+ Spell Factory
    atleast 1 if each dark and normal maxed Barracks
    lv 3 + teslas
    lv 8 Lab
    lv 5+ Barb king and archer queen

    My offer is 250$ Paypal With a middle man from this website i need 1 day notice to put the money into my paypal account from my bank
    dont comment or kik me if you dont have whats listed above or close to it
    No town hall 9 or lower only town hall 10
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