Selling Selling PSO2 JP Endgame Account (All Classes 75 or 8) 4 Characters+1 slot

Discussion in 'Phantasy Star Online 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Centurion0, 4/19/17.

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  1. Centurion0

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    Hello. I am selling my PSO2JP Account with about 3.2k Hours on it. For more information+pics.

    Skype: atweek1


    4 Characters , All classes but summoner at 75+ and most are lv80 cap ready. All mags are 200 atk in their respective character


    Chara #1 : Hunter lv 80 , Braver 75 , Fighter 77 , Bouncer 75 (Fully geared out)
    Chara #2 : Hunter lv 80 , Braver 75 , Ranger 80 , Gunner 75 (Fully geared out)
    Chara #3 : Force 75 , Techer 75 (Fully geared out)
    Chara #4 : Techer 50+ , Hunter 30+

    Multiple 13* Summoner Eggs
    TONS of 13* Weapons
    150/9 R-Atk Unit Set (Full Ray)
    160/11 T-Atk Unit Set (Gruzo/Gix/Union)
    115/4 S-Atk Unit Set (Kaiser/Kaiser/Izane
    Several 12* Units
    493 Caligula , 295 Nero
    Several Rings at +20
    AC Scratch Exclusives
    130 Star Gems
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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