Selling [Selling] Heroes of the Storm | Account Leveling | Hero Leveling | Placement Matches

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by EliteBoost., 4/19/17.

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  1. EliteBoost.

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    We are new and cheap site that offers boosting and power leveling services!

    Hero Leveling
    From level 1 to level 9 - 2.8€ per level
    From level 9 to level 20 - 6.7€ per level

    Account Leveling
    From level 1 to level 9 - 0.92€ per level
    From level 9 to level 20 - 2.21€ per level
    From level 20 to level 40 - 3.79€ per level

    Placement Matches
    3.80€ per match
    Price is increased by 45% if you wish to play with our boosters.

    HotS events!
    We'll do events so you don't have to!
    Price may change depending on the event active in the game.

    Contact us for more information, prices and coupons.
    We offer # and coupons to regular clients.
    All the boosts are done by hand and without any cheats/hacks/exploits/bots.
    By our team of highly skilled players from Serbia.
    If the account gets banned during leveling, you will get a full refund on the price and compensation for any damage dealt.

    You can contact us on skype
    [email protected]
    or email us at
    [email protected]
    or on livechat on our site:
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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