I'm selling my th9 lvl 91 almost maxed account trade or buy cheap name a prize I'll try to work with it I don't play anymore KIK = handsomeman205 plz don't waste my time
I dont care if you did want to cause I wouldn't sell it to you. You have spammed every thread and have inboxed atleast 5 people. You're an immature kid who is just spamming and arent really looking to buy an account. DONT TRUST THIS KID, HE IS SPAMMING. READ HIS POSTS
He is spamming to protect the entire public about you. I did a deal with this guy and he refused to use player up middleman. As always, only use playerup's middleman.
Well it's your lose anyway. Yeah, i've been warning people so don't take it personally, There too many gullible people these days. and the other reason why is because they're a ban invader. If it's a problem, leave this forums. Problem solved.
I dont get what you mean, can you be more clear? He is trying protect people from ME? And who did you do a deal with?
We are legitimately spamming a members thread. @Admin, could you please clean this last few post. Thanks!
I apologize a few of your guys post were accidentally deleted. Just a few. There is no reason to derail @Dave2 thread. I'm going to create a new thread for him now. Here is his thread: WTS - TRADE TH9 lvl91 or sell | PlayerUp - MMO Accounts Marketplace. Most Secure Player 2 Player Network. As for @CookiejarMonsta comment, nobody can deny that if someone is refusing to use PlayerUp Middleman and is a newly signed up member, that they have a bit of a risk. What he is doing is warning those to proceed with caution and we encourage people to help the community warning them in advance so they aren't scammed later. @Dave2 may or may not be a scammer and we have reviewed his account which doesn't show any early signs he is a scammer but we will label him a High Risk because the listing he posted is considered high risk. If your account is listed as High Risk, this is removed once we have confirmed that the buyer or sell has had successful safe transactions with other buyers and sellers.