Hello, I'm selling my clash of clans account, the stats will be listed below. This is on ios (gamecenter) BUILDINGS Town Hall 10: Cannons: 3 lvl 10 : 3 lvl 9 Archer Towers: 4 lvl 9 : 3 lvl 8 Barracks: 1 lvl 10 : 2 lvl 7 : 1 lvl 8 Dark Barracks: 1 lvl 5 : 1 lvl 1 Storages: all elixir lvl 11 : all gold lvl 11 : dark elixir lvl 4 Wizard Towers: 2 lvl 6 : 2 lvl 5 Air defense: 2 lvl 5 : 2 lvl 4 (enough gold on acct to upgrade!) Mortars: 1 lvl 7 : 2 lvl 6 Archer queen: lvl 2 Barbarian king: lvl 4 Hidden teslas: 2 lvl 2 : 2 lvl 1 :/ Collectors/Mines/Drills: Elixir: lvl 8 and 9 Gold: lvl 10 and 11 DE: 2 lvl 2 : 1 lvl 1 Army Camps: All level 6 (200 Capacity) Spell Factory: lvl 4 Traps: Mostly all lvl 2 plus aside from seeking air mines. Lab: lvl 8 TROOPS: Barbs/Gobs/Giants/Archers/wizards/balloons/wall breakers: All lvl 5 Healers and Dragons: both lvl 3 PEKKA: lvl 2 minions: lvl 2 All other Dark Troops are lvl 1. SPELLS lightning and healing spell: both lvl 4 Rage spell: lvl 3 jump spell: lvl 1 Extras: On the base there a lots of country flags and the base is designed very well to keep trophies and loot. Earned up to 150 trophies after being offline (proof) I can message on a phone or kik. In crystal league 3. 4 Christmas Trees! Clan currently in is very good. And I've left about 50 wizards in army Money Time: I'm asking for $75, but I am willing to negotiate, I will take highest bid and the payment will go through paypal! Please reply in this thread!
Alternate contacts: Phone: 970-215-9429 Skype (Reliable): o0Cole0o.minecraft Email (Less Reliable): [email protected]