Selling a nearly maxed Town Hall 9 with the following: All lvl 8 Skull walls (some lvl 9 walls) Maxed TH9 Wiz Towers MAxed TH9 Cannons Maxed TH9 Mortars Maxed TH9 Clan Castle 3 Lvl 6 Teslas, 1 Lvl 7 Tesla Maxed out Barbs, Giants, Archers, Hog Riders, Balloons Lvl 5 Wizards, Goblins, Minions Great Base for a good price! Link: Order Checkout – | PlayerUp - MMO Accounts Marketplace. Most Secure Player 2 Player Network.
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The buyer has confirmed as-described delivery and full transfer of game account ownership. The seller will receive payment within 1 to 24 hours. This transaction has now been completed. No further action is required from either member unless they wish to leave feedback for each other. Payment Status: Completed
Thank you for the reply, Middleman. I just noticed the transfer to my Paypal account, but it was only for the amount of $219.01. I was under the impression that the seller did not incur any transaction fees. Can you please explain what happened to the rest of the money? Thanks.