Sold Selling WTS gladiator server kahrun elyos cheap !

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gweilpo, 4/17/17.

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  1. Gweilpo

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    Hallo everyone,

    I want to sell my gladiator lv 69 on kahrun server elyos, she has seraph gears all +15, lunar new polearm +15 ready to use but not socketed, loongtooth polearm +15 combined with abyss 65 polearm

    For pve she has ac mythic polearm +10 combined with ac mythic pole, and ac mythic gears.. Aion chosen title and sidekick akumu pet, mounts etc..

    If interest just send me email : [email protected] or add skype : fv_reza. I am willing to move to eu server thats why i sell this account.. Pm me if u interest :) just for info kahrun will be merged with tiamat and israphel soon.
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