Selling Global ffrk account (week 1 player), highlights include e.g sg,shout,vof...

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by creaver, 4/17/17.

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  1. creaver

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    Hello, I want to sell my global acc in FFRK. I'm a week 1 player and I would say that this account is pretty good. After 2 years of playing I don't enjoy it as much anymore which is why I decided to sell my account.

    I uploaded pictures of my account to imgur. Here's the link:

    -Stamina: 182 and 2/5 shards
    -Mythril: 903
    -Gil: 46.972.050
    -Story Dungeons cleared up until the update in april
    -Nightmare completed
    -Torment dungeons not completed (only VII)
    -All characters unlocked, 34 characters at Lvl. 99, 53 at 80...

    -OSBs: Lightning, Terra, Agrias, TG Cid, Sephiroth, Rinoa
    -USB: Tyro
    -BSBs: Garnets BSB1, Bartz, Cloud BSB1, Squall, Lightning, Zack, Kain, Tifa, Cid Raines, Vayne, Aerith, Golbez, Vanille, Papalymo, Vivi, Serah, Eiko, Rinoa, Alphinaud, Yuna BSB1
    -27 SSBs and 22 Unique Soul Breaks (Thyrus,Sentinel Grimoire, Platinum Shield)

    Power Orbs: 70 Crystal, 260 Major
    White Orbs: 28 Crystal, 99 Major
    Black Orbs: 16 Crystal, 145 Major
    Summon Orbs: 29 Crystal, 127 Major
    Non-Elemental Orbs: 31 Crystal, 116 Major
    Fire Orbs: 45 Crystal, 204 Major
    Ice Orbs: 41 Crystal, 179 Major
    Lightning Orbs: 46 Crystal, 151 Major
    Earth Orbs: 39 Crystal, 177 Major
    Wind Orbs: 39 Crystal, 160 Major
    Holy Orbs: 27 Crystal, 114 Major
    Dark Orbs: 38 Crystal, 150 Major

    -6* Abilities: Meltdown R1, Snowspell Strike R1, Sky High R1, Lifebane R1, Mug Bloodlust R1, Aegis Strike R1, Demonsblood R1
    -5* Abilities: Meteor R2, Chain Blizzaga R3, Chain Firaga R3, Chain Stonega R2, Chain Thundaga R2, Chain Biora R2, Arise R1, Ultra Cure R3, Bahamut R3, Titan R1, Ultima Weapon R1, Tiamat R1, Tornado Strike R2, Thundering Twinstrike R2, Blazing Twinstrike R2, Engulfing Twinstrike R2, Fullcharge R3, Full Break R3, Powerchain R3, Dragoon Jump R2, Lightning Dive R2, Meteor Crush R1, Fires Within R2, Thief's Revenge R2, Dash and Slash R2, Poison Leaves R1, Saint Cross R3, Gaia's Cross R2, Smoldering Fire R2, Raging Storm R1, Multi Break R2, Bio Grenade R1, Rapid Fire R1, Dark Zone R3, Reaping Sythe R1, Morbid Countdown R1, Dire Heal R1, Sapphire Shot R1

    The price is #, so give me an offer. The preferred payment method would be paypal.
    I have facebook.,reddit or discord if needed for discussion.

    Discord: <@181823700222345227>
    Reddit: ctuan95
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