For sale lv 51 valkyrie connect global account, 300k total power score, 114k highest team score, my 5* heroes list: Thor, almost fully orbed Freya Canon Zato Heimdall Wulfgang Alvis Sigurd 4* heroes Luca Hel Gullveig Idun Baldr Liesa and many more noticable 3* heroes Odin Niji Ranco Thrud last mana: around 2 mil last diamonds: 1.8k no need to worry about gears, i have plenty good and decent gears to fully equip main and 2nd team. i want to sell it for 60$ but if it too much you can tell me your bidding price, http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1492328980/wqquj4dmgccj50lwcxyc.jpg http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1492329396/vakr9fhwkkio6pwbrhix.jpg in case image upload failed, you can contact me via LINE: gizoe666 or my Facebook.: Pierrot Parrot Poirot