Sold Selling S> Spirit Shaper lv59 with 89,6k GS // Server Tidewater

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Champyx, 4/15/17.

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  1. Champyx

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    Level: 59
    Class: SpiritShaper

    Gearscore: 89636

    Stats: spirit 208 with 966 max matk

    Path: 4

    Skill Cultivation: 20/20/30

    Factions: Immortal Annex: Esteemed

    Rank: level 2 Golden eagle

    Demonslayer: Advanced Slayer, Tier 5 (Maximum Merits for next rank 4780/6000)

    Imperial Coins: 0 (sold them) // Imperial Notes: 151k // Army Coins: 6467 // Bronze Shards: 78,598 // Mentor Merit: 1630 // Imperial Society Merit: 27078

    Special Traits: See pictures ->

    Due privacy reasons add me on discord Shoucouscouus#0712 for revealing character name or any other details!

    Price imagination: open from min 40€ to max 50€ via PaySafeCard

    My motto: Trust is a weak spot, I really dont want to get scammed. Once I am able to use the code I will hand out the account/login informations, you can feel free to change the password
    and everything to your likings, wont give though my email access (for that you can add me on discord and if anything happens to the account you can just pm me to make things done
    im okay with that)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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