http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1492270264/fxkx2xt53epcnxen8fp7.jpg - 128.812 Gear score - 6 pieces +9 and 6 pieces +10 with 3.5/5 minimun refinemen eficency - 10/12 pieces with 4th awaken unblocked - 4/12 PvP set pieces, refundable in army medals and 90% items back (Tier Beads..) - Normal stats------- 2450-3250 Magic Atack in ligth state/ 867 Mdef breack (25% pierce) - PvP stats---------- 531 Breack Essence (+20% dmg) 441 Defense Essence(-14% dmg) Bonus: when i lost my PvP top 3 of server weeckly costume my character its intentional bugged to seems nacked but with gear equiped http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1492270270/uguoti8lky3cpmgdrgcu.jpg -Soul Grid with great stats---- 260 Mdef Breack, +2% Magic dmg..... http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1492270280/yyvuxfqshbkxmhvr5fby.jpg - PvE (45-55) set in storage, upgradeable - 344 Aurums bougth in oficial page (4)