Hi guys, I'm currently willing to create a boosting service based in EU. I plan on selling quality boosting, coaching, and/or DuoQ services on following games : - Overwatch - Heroes of the Storm - Hearthstone I'm currently looking for boosters on each game. I plan on investing a lot of time in this business and rewarding the first people to participate. I'm currently master player on Overwatch, Diamond 3 on Heroes of the Storm and used to be Diamond 3 on League of Legends. I have lot of game knowledge and will be handling most of the VoD reviews and coaching part. Website will be up as soon as we are ready to start boosting. Requirements are : - 18+ age - Being available 5/7 days for boosting at least. - Grand Master rank on Overwatch, Legend Hearthstone, Diamond 1 + on Heroes of the Storm. - If possible, being able to stream games. - Being reachable most of the time. Discord, Skype. - Optional : Willing to invest time with me to develop the platform, which will be rewarded. - Being able to speak english fluently or close to. Prices and cuts will be negotiated via Skype interview. You can contact me via PM here or via Skype : krully37