Looking for a account with rank between 100-120, looking for Fire, Light, Dark or Earth main. 20-30 SSR chars. Low Rank Account (80-99) can be offered as long as they have enough SSR chars (at least 20+, and most of them for the working deck of it), working deck, proper summons and most mats for a GW Character. No Water. Account Info: http://imgur.com/a/I678C Account dropped, 33 SSR (32 + 1 GW Char, 5 Limited), have over 13k Job Points, all jobs unlocked and maxed, except for 4th jobs. Account is around 3 years old, started in october 2014. If anyone care, near all the event characters, except Event Therese, since she never come back. Not much use since past summer, only to get new event chars and pull.