Sold Selling Selling my personal elsword account. Add main NA)

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by akilleoz, 4/13/17.

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  1. akilleoz

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    Hereby i'm selling my main elsword NA account:
    Diabolic esper lvl 99 with +11 dragonic wep full maxi saged Oath of ruin title
    Mastermind lvl 90 share the +11 and same item as diabolic esper.
    Physic tracer: lvl 85 share same gears as my other adds
    Rest of the chars are between level 7 and 60
    All characters have B slot and expansion slot
    ice burners i have:
    Salvatore solace add 3/3
    Nasod battle suit MK2 and MKB both full
    Diamond yaksha cape
    Dragon knight darkside abyss+mauler add
    Dragon knight darkside 5/5
    Royal servant dark eagle 8/9 no earrings
    Also has a unique eltrion legend weapon.
    All ibs are for add

    I'm open to offer for screenshots pm me (estimated price i'm looking for is 200$ #)
    Payment method will only accept paypal (gift method)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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