Sold RS3 MAX Account / Quest Cape/ 9 Boss Pets / 300M+ untradable

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Randuaxia, 4/12/17.

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  1. Randuaxia

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    I am the original owner,

    I will provide you with all the previous password, e-mail, recovery questions, etc.

    This account has never been botted on.

    This account has full Omens outfit + Bombi boss pet (420 HM KC)

    It has all the quest complete lvl 114 Invention and Max cape.
    You can choose to also to purchase the 1300m cash on the account as well or not.
    Its has over 300M + of untradable items and supplies for all your needs.

    Please see screenshot for stats.

    Can provide any in game proof or meet you in game if buy requires any proof. Payment only through Paypal.

    Please contact if interested.
    #1 Randuaxia, 4/12/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/18/18
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