Sold Trading Trading my WoW Legion account with a DM account.

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shyaion, 4/12/17.

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  1. Shyaion

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    Hello, my account is of my own from the begining, so if anything were to happen after the deal, ill gladly help.

    Armaros Demon Hunter (Male Nightelf) level 103 ilvl more than 720 (I dont remember the exact number and its not updating properly, probably because the account is frozen for a long time now.)

    Shyaion Level (Male Nightelf) 100 Druid ilvl more than 700.

    Zulwarn Level 70 Death Knight (Female Nightelf) she has lots of leveling gears (forgot the name they've been called)

    Also the account has two purchased mounts, Enchanted Fey Dragon and Mystic Runesaber.

    For contact info, here is my facebook. link. You can message me anytime.

    Thank you and have a nice day. :cool:
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