Selling - Verified seller! TH-10(LVL-145)!AQ-33,BK-40!2500+Gems! Link Available! Offer price! Hurry!$143 | Page 2 | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.
Selling - Verified Seller!! Offer price!! TH-11(LVL-152)!!LEGEND LEAGUE! !AQ-40,BK-42,GW-20!!2000+Gems,!!$180 | Page 2 | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.
Selling - Verified Seller!! Offer price!! TH-11(LVL-152)!!LEGEND LEAGUE! !AQ-40,BK-42,GW-20!!2000+Gems,!!$180 | Page 2 | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.
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Note: Account is Android , You Can Link device to IOS Change Name is Available About the account: - Level 124 Townhall 11 - Level 33 queen and 33 king - Level 17 grand warden - 233 pcs Wall Magma - 17 pcs Wall Level 12 - Eagle Artilery MAXED Lvl 2 - 2 pcs Inferno Tower MAXED Lvl 4 - 4 pcs X-Bow Maxed Lvl 5 - Defense Still Not Maxed - Maxed Valks Lvl 5 - Selling Via MM - Visit My Clan Lvl 4 REQ AND GTFO - Hashtag Clan : #22YV9YLV - IGN : beni Leader My Clan - My K''i'K: arieswibowo - 100% Secure because my Account never buy Gems only $225 Nett Via MIDDLEMAN
Selling - TH10 - Android/iOS - CoC Th10.5 | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.