LOAD OF ENCHANTING MATS 200+ TA 67 Jejota 89 Denata 41 Rekuta 16 Kuta (300+ Essence Runes & 100+ Potency (lvl 1-8)) [Level 29 Enchanting] LOAD OF ALCHEMY MATS (870~ herbs total along with 100s of each teir of potion vial) [Level 20ish Alchemy] BS/Cloth/WW levels are all around 30+ Blacksmithing/Clothing/Woodworking Respectively Upgrade Mats (Green [243/281/145] Blue [80/148/65] Purple [31/37/39] Yellow [27/46/30] Character Specific Info: VR6 Ald. Dominion Imperial Female (with a Michael Jackson reference Name), and 6 Level 3 Alts that have level 1 hirelings in Enchanting/BS/Cloth/WW. The copy is Imperial Edition as well. There is 29 days of game time left on the account. The account also has TWO<< Rings of Mara, and both the vanity pets along with all the trophy maps I hadn't used and all the trophies I received while questing. My main character also has 4 stables unlocked (value: 11k gold) and all three of the top teir horses (128k gold) Gold is priced in at 1$ = 7k.
Just so I am sure, if I read correctly, the character is on the North American server, Aldmeri Dominion faction, Imperial female sorcerer. If that is correct, then I am interested in buying the account. I do have a couple of other questions though. What are your plans related to the email account that is associated with the game account? I play on different computers at home and work and can get those pesky validation emails. If you want to keep the email address that is currently associated with the account, then you would have to change the email address, and, as I understand it currently from the Zenimax game forums you can only do that by phoning Zenimax support. Also I wonder if your login for the support forums is the same as your game log in info. If they are different I would need the log in info for both. Lastly I can pay via a verified Paypal account and I presume that would be acceptable? Thanks for the info.