Selling [EU] SC2 WoL, D3 + RoS, Overwatch Origins, Hearthstone

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by hallow163, 4/11/17.

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  1. hallow163

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    Diablo 3 characters

    Played diablo from the beggining, but was casual so the levels are a little on the low side.
    Really loved overwatch, but didn't really have friends to play it with, so it got kinda boring.
    Starcraft... Well, I bough it to try it but it just wasn't my cup of tea ahaha
    Hearthstone was another thing that I was casual in, so I don't really have a lot in it.
    Also played a little heroes of the storm, but didn't really devote to it, cause I played more league of legends.

    So, pm me if you want more info or with an offer.
    Or contact me through skype: kirabi95
    If through skype, please identify yourself as a potential buyer.
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