Sold Trading Rank 119 with 33 SSR

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by EpicNameBro, 4/10/17.

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  1. EpicNameBro

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    Looking for a account with rank between 100-120, any element (minus water) as long as it have a working deck, but at least have a gw character or progress toward it and/or some work in unlocking 4th job. Core characters for that deck/element can be nice too.

    can accept offer of low rank accounts, as long as they have a working deck to solo some magnas, at least 20+ ssr characters (some core characters for their main deck) and work done toward getting a gw character (most mats, at least most of the rainbow prisms which is most important for me)

    Account images:

    33 SSR (32 + 1 GW Char, 5 Limited), have over 13k Job Points, all jobs unlocked and maxed, except for 4th jobs. Stopped playing much since last summer (2016), and just daily log, get event chars if there was a new one, and some raids, or pulls. Never was a Hardcore player either and never cashed. Account is around 3 years old, started in october 2014. Near all the event characters, except Event Therese, since she never come back.

    No 4th Job Unlocked Yet, was working in it, have most of the hard mats for it, weapon of choice was Nirvana Staff for Light. Need Mage Creed (Yellow Orb), Halo Light Quartz, few Vortical Pinwheel and Searing Stones and 5 Champion Merit (Silver Paper), the rest of the mats for light staff should be there. Dark GW Bow since i was planning to get Song.

    The decks are all over the place and unfinished. Earth have most of the love, but never got any character so i dropped it, Wind have fist because i got them before guns existed and never bothered upgrading/changing to guns, since that was enough to solo Ygg Magna, Water Deck have 6 daggers but 0* but low slvl, Light is strong enough, and stronger than my earth even if it have less manga stuff than earth. Fire is dead except for characters since i dismantle most of the staves for the shards and never worked in Dark.

    More Info Via PM or Discord.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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