Selling Great Day 1 Account for sale

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dia, 4/9/17.

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  1. Dia

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    I'm looking to get rid of this account, as I am spending way to much time and money on it. I have multiple OSBs (including Terra's OSB at 7*), many BSBs (including Orlandeau's and OK's BSB!!!), I have Shout, SG, Thyrus, HotE, Apoc Shield, many great other relics including a lot of medicas. I have great hones, and it's day one, so nothing is missed. Getting caught up on events today before they expire. Lot's of characters capped at 99, etc. Good love you account.

    I've spent at least $300 on this account, so I'm looking for $300, OR BEST OFFER. I want this account out of my hands lol.

    Screenshot_20170402-160126.png Screenshot_20170402-160133.png Screenshot_20170402-160140.png Screenshot_20170402-160250.png Screenshot_20170402-160258.png Screenshot_20170402-160304.png Screenshot_20170402-160330.png Screenshot_20170402-160345.png Screenshot_20170402-161141.png
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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