Had OBC for 6 months, had BC for scattered months, maybe 6-12 total, bought thousands of robux, have almost 500 tix (not really what I'm selling the account for) Items I have of value ONLY 500 ROBUX+ ITEMS: (None of these are limited, but they are expensive) PACKAGES: Phoenixgarde Knight: 650 R$ The Overseer: 2000 R$ Mr. Roboto: 500 R$ Korblox Mage: 700 R$ HATS: Secret Agent Shades: 1000 R$ Ninja Sai: 500 R$ I went through and added up the value of all items that were sold by roblox and still have a price listing(I bought a few limiteds valued at about 1000 total that have not come back on sale) And came up with this number: 9987 R$ I also estimate to have about 2000 R$ worth of VIP shirts and Game passes, if not higher than that bringing the total to about 12000 R$ Add me on Skype through the email [email protected] and we will talk prices, I've spent $200+ on the account but I am only expecting the purchaser of the account to pay 10-20% of the orignal cost. Just add me on skype and we will talk about the specific pricing. Paypal will be used to transfer money.