Sold WTS: Walking dead road to survival account 25+ 5*s

Discussion in 'Walking Dead Road to Survival Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jrgosnell89, 4/9/17.

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  1. jrgosnell89

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    level 50 account on a newer region bulloch, powerhouse account literally no one in region this account cant beat, heres a list of most of my toons.
    5* yumiko with scaling bleed rush, t4 max
    5* green jesus max ar t4 max
    5* blue kenny t4 max max ar
    5* yellow tyreese healer, max ar t4
    5* rick with suprise blade, max ar t4
    5* Morgan green robust heal max ar
    5* yellow ellen
    5* yellow Victor
    5* red clementine
    5* red abe
    5* red heath
    5* red lee
    5* green davie
    5* green larry
    5* green negan
    5* green burt
    5* blue darius
    5* yellow gator
    5* green michonne
    5* mirabelle
    5* green kenny
    5* yellow duane
    5* yellow pete
    and many more including many maxed out t4s
    lots of 5 star tokens tons of super 4* weapons
    would love to continue dominating this region but no longer have time to play, if your interested send me an email at [email protected]
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