Sold Selling Selling LVL100 Global Account

Discussion in 'Fantasy War Tactics Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Separatrix, 4/9/17.

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  1. Separatrix

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    As of this post, I've logged 428 days on this account. Sadly, I need to focus more on my graduate school studies and can no longer put the time into this account that it deserves. Can reach up to top250 in BoH last time I tried a few months back, and can easily make SS- or better on a daily basis in raid.

    I will be more than happy to post as many screenshots about this account as you would like, so please feel free to ask questions.


    I have unlocked every single hero (minus seira) and have maxed skills for almost every hero.

    Max 5*: 27 heroes
    5* (not including those maxed): 13 heroes
    4* (maxed, ready to Rebirth to 5*): 14 heroes
    3* (maxed, ready to Rebirth to 4*): 18 heroes

    Soul Gear:
    Weapon only:
    Raboff(+1), Rage(+8), Chris(+1)
    Wing only: Dolores(+7), Mas(+6), Yekaterina(+7), Zero(+1)
    Both (Weapon/Wing): Bearman(+1/1), Belle(+7/+1), Celestial(+6/+5), Evan(+10/+10), Gillian(+10/+10), Krut(+8/+8), Lee(+10/+10), Lena(+4/+5), Rachel(+10/+10), Valkyrie(+1/+5)

    Currently have 5 lord costumes (have no plans on purchasing more so that whomever purchases the account can decide what to do with the crystals I have saved up).

    Equipment material:
    1*: 1903/1412/2442
    2*: 533/259/258
    3*: 247/398/1178
    4*: 615/696/192
    5*: 2581/825/2336

    *Note* Most, if not all of the following equipment is either +10/11/12/13. Did not include single pieces unless it was SS only. Also, did not include any A-grade sets since that would take too much time to type that out.

    Equipment (SS):
    1*: Slime King (2 full sets), Rebel Army Supply (1 full set)
    2*: Daso (2pc), Time for your Shot (1 full set)
    3*: Beast Rain (1 full set), I Perform the Surgery! (1 full set), Strategy Support System (2pc), High Human Guardian (1 full set), Rebel Army Commander (2pc), JinK's set, Eunwol's set
    4*: Devil Knight (1 full set), Pathfinder (2pc), Defender of the Earth (1pc)
    5*: Klein's Secret Notebook (2pc x 2), Eldrika (1 full set), Omni (1pc)

    Equipment (S):
    1*: Magic Girl (2pc), Born Assassin (1 full set + 2pc), Blue Moonlight (1 full set), Cold-hearted sniper (2 full sets), Thank-You letter (1 full set), Power of the Ancients (1 full set)
    2*: Green Ranger (3 full sets), Unyielding Champ (3 full sets), Extra Curriculum (1 full +13 set), Red Ranger (2 full set), Skilled Martial Artist (2pc), Red Coocoo Ranger (1 full set), Legion banner (1 full set)
    3*: Outer Space! (2 full sets), Chocolate Warrior (1 full set), Pink Ranger (2 full sets), Muzaka's set, Rachel's set, Raskreia's set, Frankenstein's set, Unbeatable Warlord (2 full sets), Spooky's set, Evan's set, Noel's set, Black Crescent (1 full set)
    4*: Celestial's set (full set), Sunset Sheriff (1 full set + 2pc), Iron Fortress (1 full set), Dragon Slayer (2pc), Winner's Proof (1 full set)
    5*: Ultimate Gold Tiger (2pc), Sun Flash (2pc), Shadow Ruler (1 full set), Legacy of the High Human (2 full sets)

    If you have any offers, please either PM them to me or send me a message on LINE (id: separatrix_fwt).
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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