Level 130 I will list what are NOT at max level. Rest are maxed. Email me for more info if required. Payment can be through Paypal or using middleman service. Current cup level is around 2900+. Highest cup reached was 3310. Building: Dark Elixir Drill (3) @ level 4 Archer Tower (7) @ level 11 Walls are level 8-9 (mostly are level 8) Research: Jump spell @ level 1 Freeze spell @ level 4 Troops: Valkyrie @ level 3 Hero: King @ level 14 Queen @ level 15 Traps: Bomb (3) @ level 3 and (3) @ 5 Giant Bomb (5) @ level 5 Air Bomb (5) @ level 3 Seeking Air (5) @ level 1
Let me know if you're interested in a league of legends account OG name with 45 skins silver 2. 7 Rune page and almost all champs miss like 6. Each skins worth 5-10$ and +