sambier007 - ROBLOX this is the account rare items on account -https://ROBLOX Madness Face - ROBLOX this items is worth 65$ -https://Tri-Laser 333 - ROBLOX this items is worth 45$ -Roblox iPad set iBot - ROBLOX iJet - ROBLOX White Earbuds - ROBLOX off sale/ worth 25$ -Skarra, the Dragonkeeper set Skarra, the Dragonkeeper - ROBLOX Skarra, the Dragonkeeper's Red Sword & Shield - ROBLOX Draconian Hatchlings - ROBLOX off sale/ worth 25$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50$+ woth of normal items and cool ofsale items (a lot)
it does also have a lot of gamepasses and bc stuf be sure to add me on skype if you wanna buy this account skype: sambier5756