Sold [H] My FT section and custom Gen7 RNGs [W] Paypal or listed events/event offers

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/amoran5156, 4/8/17.

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  1. /u/amoran5156

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    I have for sale/trade the following events:

    • My FT box, looking for offers on these
    • Language set of OT:JUN2015 Dragonites from #/BairnOwl (redeemer)--> #/Markus1999B --> me, trade thread with picture proof
    • Self redeemed SRable Whitney's miltank, WC proof and trade thread where code was obtained
    • Custom shinies if interested in those
    • Will only sell/trade sets as sets
    • I can do some gen 7 RNGs as well, will be a lower price if you provide the save files (only NA save files at this time). Otherwise I have available the tapu bulu, solgaleo, Magearna, Cosmog and UBs (-1 kartana, -1 buzzwole) available to RNG with OT:Anthony and TID:818147. I also have another completed sun run with everything available for RNG. I'm close to finishing a moon run.
      Disclaimer for RNGs: I use JKSM in order to create and have multiple saves for my game, and I use pokemon NTR plugin in order to obtain the starting seed, frame that I'm on, and the verify the spread in game

    I'd be interested in the following events as well as paypal:

    • Rare jirachi/darkrai events that aren't in here nothing in here is FT or for sale so please don't offer on them (I also have self-obtained gamestop jirachi and ALAMOS darkrai that aren't listed here, so I'm not really interested in those either)
    • ENG 7-11 pokemon set, KOR 7-11 set (except for lugia). All OT:00711
    • PC Redistribution 7-11 set (Preferred JPN, ENG, KOR tags)
    • Kotone's (PC Shiny) T-Tar (Preferred JPN, KOR tags)
    • other event offers
    • I'm not interested in any 20th anniversary event pokemon, common codes or pokemon without proof unless they're from a trusted source.
    • I'm very interested in obtaining a Taiwanese wonderland (OT:Wonderland) Darkrai if anyone has one for trade, I can offer other things for this as well

    If you have any questions about anything, feel free to let me know and I'll answer the best I can.


    # #/amoran5156
    # .
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