Sold Selling [EU Moonsea] Blademaster lvl65, 136k GS

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by shobu1, 4/8/17.

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  1. shobu1

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    -Explorer Pack
    -Moonsea[EU] Server
    -65 level
    -136k Gear Score
    -Full Tier 11 Gold Gear, +10 (44-58%), Fully Awakened
    -Tier 12 Gold Gear ready to use in inventory (only main-hand missing)
    -Soul Grid with almost all Boni unlocked
    -30 Cultivation Points + most important Cultivation Skill Books unlocked
    -Tier 6 Demonslayer
    -Level 2 Auros Cavalier
    -Books for resetting Skill Points and Attribute Points in inventory
    -Around 40k Imperial Society Merit, 1kk Imperial Coins, 35k Bronze Shards, 1890 Aurum

    Price: 200€
    Contact: PM
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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