Hey there, Ghostt from original Black Lotus here. I'm starting college and not only am I not going to have much time to play but I also really need some extra money; I've decided to sell my account. There are some investments which increase the value of the account slightly, ~ 100 dragon eggs that I have been sitting on (~ 4M AD), some coalescent wards, and items like that so make sure to check out my inventory as well. Both my PvE + PvP gear is all best in slot with the exception of my gems which are all rank 8: Fomorian daggers, Perfect Vorpal, 4/4 Swashbuckling/4/4 Skulkers, reinforced, dual 500 regen Seal of The Executioner rings (extremely rare/expensive nowadays), and various amulet/belt/ring combinations that I swapped depending on the situation (rank 8 gems in those as well), and Cloak of the Elf (only neck with MS on it as far as I know, it's a low-level quest reward that's extremely rare because most players don't know it's usefulness, really useful for all of the runs TRs are expected to do). Other than that you'll find a BLOODTHIRSTY title (5,000 player kills), a respec in case you don't like my skill set, 3/5 boons unlocked (gives you something to do right?), a fully geared, level 25 Ioun Stone of Allure, and a Heavy Worg mount (110% MS). Taking offers, reply or contact me on skype (JK.LegitBruv), thanks. ImageShack - screenshot_2014-02-13-13-01-47.jpg ImageShack - screenshot_2014-02-13-13-00-48.jpg ImageShack - screenshot_2014-02-13-13-02-01.jpg