Selling IOS 7* General Kenobi! 8 million damage in HAAT!! 1st place in raids. Easy Solo Rancor.

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell SWGOH Account' started by Danny Babko, 4/5/17.

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  1. Danny Babko

    Danny Babko
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    Why spend thousands of dollars on the game you love when you can buy this account for $550 that has spent those thousands for you!?
    Spent close to 5,000 dollars.

    With this account you can enjoy the game for what it is!
    Build team you want to build with the massive availabile roster 111 characters 65 7*, 20 at gear 11.
    Solo rancor on auto.
    >Max 10,304,366 damage
    #1 in HAAT damage in my clan.
    >Max 8,451,248 damage
    With a 7* General Kenobi you can be competitive in arena.
    3 Zetas Vader, Darth Sidious, Cody.

    Fully gear 11 clone team!
    Many 7* maxed out ships

    And much much more!!

    This account is ready for the next level cap!
    Email me for more details!
    [email protected]

    DarkKnlght112's Profile on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes · SWGOH.GG

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