Sold Selling [eu] blader - tet ogre ring - 7/7 boss parts - +500 ap dp

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bragah, 4/4/17.

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  1. Bragah

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    Hello playerup,

    I`m selling my account on BDO - EU Server. Email transfer.

    A few details about the account:
    The main char is a Musa level 58, 234 energy - 257 contribution points. The account comes with a boss char ranger level 57, this also being the AFK money making with life skills.

    I haven`t grind much, hence only level 58 on the musa as most of the work is done on Life Skills and AFK workers empire setup, that brings in about 100+ million silver a day (usually i let it in background for 10 hours on AFK).

    If you also plan on grinding, you are off to a great income per day with over 500 AP DP, the char makes +12 mils per hour at pirates (node level 9).
    On the other hand, if you plan on going for AFK income, you can simply do your job/chores around the house and the amazing workers empire nodes will produce you easily over 100 mils per day.

    The char comes with the following boss items:

    TET Ogre Ring (only 4 of these on the entire server).
    TET Kutum Horn Bow
    TRI Kzarka Blade
    TRI Dandelion Blade
    TRI Muskan Shoes
    TRI Bheg Gloves
    TRI Giath Helmet
    TRI Dim Tree

    Total market value of those items ~ 11 billions.


    I know there is some work to be done to be the top 10 on server (1 tri or tet blue coral earring, 2x tri crescent ring, tri basi, full tet the other boss items) but that`s the beauty of it.. You don`t buy a char just for PVP, you can continue my work and make the char in your own style.

    A few other details:
    Tier 6 Horse - Level 30 - Drift , Instant Accelerate, Charge + other skills
    6 Pets - 3 are Tier 3
    Trent - Valencia Connected.

    Premium Pearl Items:
    Maid Costume (for warehouse processing)
    Full Awakening Costume on Musa
    Bern Costume on Ranger
    Shudad Costume on Ranger
    Ghilly Costume on Ranger
    Cavaro Costume on Ranger
    6 Pets (3 are Tier 3)
    Permanent Horse Flute
    721 and 950 Weight Limit
    10 char slots
    Total Pearl Shop Spent: 170 euro.

    Due to the rarity of the TET Ogre it is hard to put a value for the asking price. In theory, based on market value, the price of the account is over 2500 euro so please refrain from low offers. I`m not in rush nor desperate to sell. I`m just bored of the game and i`m waiting for the proper buyer.

    I might have forgotten some of the details about the account but you can feel free to ask me anything and I`ll answer as soon as possible.

    We can do a skype screen share and the email transfer is obviously included.
    Depending on the time this account gets sold, I will continue to progress by getting better accessories.

    Payment done via Paypal or escrow.
    Contact me for further details.
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