WTS my pre-loved account in Revelation Online NA- Snowpine Server (Premium User) [IMG]http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1491283515/avshvh8uxtxcacbfg2vz.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1491292164/lg05dsmy0ucb1nkh92xb.jpg[/IMG] Level 64 Vanguard Special Skills 3-Stars Unlocked Reputation On Faction Quests - A lot of SIlver and & Gold Card (for Faction Costumes, yes omw there) Lvl 55 Soul Grid +10 ALL lvl 55 + GOLD equips +10 weapon(intricate crafting) and OFFhand Pvp/Pve marks III on equips With permanent costumes (expensive ones) 1,600 aurums (for cash shop) 3,000,000 Imperial Coins (yes 3 million) Mount - Gold and Blue (Bloodfang colossus, a 5 person mount) Wings - 2 Purple wings Level 2 Auros Cavalier Rank 5 Demonslayer Level 35 Social Level (for crafting) Woodcrafting level 18 (for crafting) With Useful Currencies at the Inventory Bank contact me at www.Facebook..com/ivyn.javier skype : ivyn.javier thanks Reason For selling : i have 12 hours for work, 8 hours of sleep, 1 hour for all meals. i can't keep up with the dailies anymore. i have daily quests on real life too. Lmao. Very RUSH price. give me a message fast