Sold [WTS] (East) Switching to WEST SERVER, selling 320m gold and delia/Vanity vella

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TheLeeSin, 4/2/17.

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  1. TheLeeSin

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    Hello my playerup friends, Im finally switching servers so im intrested in trading my east gold(320m) for west, and Im also selling my account for west gold.

    Vanity vella acc:
    -20.2k att, 12.5k def
    -408 Titles, lvl 40 dark knight, 4 costume sets and many inners with some hairs
    pics: http: // im gur. com/a /E PMEo -please delete spaces

    -22k att, 11.4k def, 12+ OJ terminus Bastard sword in graveyard
    - ALOT of merc pots, VIP capsules, and some dyes worth around 50m
    pics: http: // im gur. com/a /f 8ebw -please delete spaces

    Im always willing to go first if you guys are vouched! thank you for your time! :)
    Skype: kurt ishi ( Lee sin avatar)
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