[Release] Dark Crystal Shards(Carbon)

Discussion in 'Mia Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by pingu sohan, 4/2/17.

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  1. pingu sohan

    pingu sohan
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    Many people have been complaining that the DCS Autobot in Carbon isn't working, so i made this. I tried making it on Cetera, but there were many problems like continuous DCs, Moving to next command if character dies, etc.

    Carbon 1.8.
    A good class that heals.(Shaman, VHL, etc.)(Currently using the skills for Shaman.)

    Whitelist: (Optional)
    Defeated Makai
    Escherion's Chain
    O-dokuro's Tooth
    Strand of Vath's Hair
    Aracara's Fang
    Hydra Scale
    Dark Crystal Shard
    If needed, add these too(To the bot manager also)
    Essence of Nulgath

    1. This bot needs to be started in the Boss Cell of Escherion.(1st lord of Chaos;/join escherion).
    2. This bot requires you to complete the story lines of Dwarfhold(For Vath), Mobius(For Escherion and Hydra) and Sandsea( For Tibicenas).
    3. I will be uploading 3 bots.(1st one: All public rooms;2nd one: All private rooms; 3rd one: Public rooms only for tough bosses)
    4. This bot doesn't work if you stacked your stuff.
    5. For best results, do it on Artix Server.
    6. For even faster killing, press f4, turn off the Rest if MP<30 thing, and enable Cancel Target on Kill;
    Also, change the Rest if HP< thing to 1.(If your class heals good).
    7. Use both the lag killers,(f3, and the one in f4) and use skill range ++.(Left Arrow)

    Virus Scans:
    Jotti's malware scan.
    Downloadable Files
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