Sold Buying Wtb beginner acc/soul fighter/eu/cheap

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Grakez, 4/2/17.

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  1. Grakez

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    Hey there,

    im looking for a 500 AP+ Soulfighter with a few nice costumes and maybe a second lvl 50 class account on EU.
    It should not be that expensive (max. 50€).
    I don´t want high end accounts!

    If you have one PM me here or add me on skype ([email protected]), send me the details about the account and if possible links of pictures of your account.

    I can pay via Paypal or with CSGO skins.
    I won´t go first if you dont have 10+ positive Feedback and playerup upgrades, we can use a Middleman if you want.
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