Sold MITHRA 9x99 Chango/Fomalhaut Omen/AF+3

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by janie, 4/1/17.

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  1. janie

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    Main Character Race: Mithra
    World Transfer Available: Yes
    know his Square Enix account Secret Q&A?: Yes
    List Jobs: war99 drk99 dnc99 mnk99 nin99 cor99 rng99 mnk99 bst99
    Account Type: NA
    Gil Amount: 10.00 Millions
    Estimated Gill: 2.000.000
    POL Codes: Yes
    Expansion List: all

    Special or very unique items:


    Kanaria(DMG+12, Accuracy+20, Triple Atk+2),


    Odyssean Helm(Accuracy+25 Attack+39),

    Nusku Shield,

    Utu Grip,

    Cichol's Mantle x3(DEX+20 Accuracy+30 Attack+20 DblAtk+10)(VIT+20 Accuracy+30 Attack+20 WSDMG+10)(DEX+20 Accuracy+30 Attack+20 Crit+10),

    Nzingha Cuirass,


    Valorous Mask x4(VIT+1 Accuracy+34 Attack+35 Weaponskill Accuracy+14)(Accuracy+30 Attack+30 Crit Rate+4)(Accuracy+36 Attack+24 Store TP+6)(STR+4 Accuracy+36 Attack+25 Wraponskill Damage +2%),

    Hizamaru Somen +1,

    Agoge Mask +1(Augmented),

    Rao Kabuto R15,

    Pummeler's Lorica +2,

    Emicho Haubert R15,

    Boii Lorica +1,

    Agoge Mufflers +1(Agmented),

    Odyssean Gauntlets(Accuracy +38 Attack +38),

    Odyssean Cuisses(AGI+5 Accuracy+28 Attack+12 Store TP+7),

    Valorous Cuisses x2(AGI +15 Accuracy+34 Attack+38 WSD +4%)(Accuracy+35 Attack+33 Crit Damage+4%),

    Herculean Trousers x4(Mag. Atk Bonus +26)(Accuracy +20 Attack +9 Triple Atk. +3)(AGI+8 Accuracy+39 Attack+24 WSDMG +5%)(DEX+4 Rng Acc. +35 Attack+20 Skillchain Dmg +1%),

    Agoge Cuisses +1(Augmented),

    Boii Cuisses +1,

    Agoge Calligae +1(Augmented),

    Boii Calligae +1,

    Valorous Greaves x2(Accuracy +30 Store TP +6)(VIT+9 Accuracy +38 Attack +18 Crit Dmg +2%),

    Herculean Boots x3(Mag. Atk. Bonus +25)(AGI +4 Rng. Acc. +30 WSD +4%)(DEX+6 Accuracy+36 Attack+33 Crit Rate +2%)

    Mochizuka Chainmail +1,

    Lanun Frac +1,

    Pursuer's Doublet R15,

    Sulevias Gauntlets +1,

    Mummu Wrists +1,

    Emicho Gauntlets R15,

    Flamma Zuchetto +1,

    Valorous Mitts(Accuracy +27 Store TP +7),

    Herculean Gloves(Accuracy +20 Dbl. Atk. +4),

    Composer's Mitts,

    Pummeler's Cuisses +3,

    Pummeler's Calligae +3,

    Sulevia's Leggings +1,

    Flamma Gambieras +1,

    Eschan Stone,

    Segomo's Mantle(DEX+20 Accuracy+30 Attack+20 Dbl. Atk.+10),

    Andartia's Mantle(DEX+20 Accuracy+30 Attack+20 Dbl. Atk.+10),

    Cessance Earring,

    Petrov Ring,

    Herculean Helm(Rng. Acc +32 Rng. Atk. +26),

    Arcadian Beret +1,

    Amini Gapette +1,

    Adhemar Jacket R15,

    Amini Caban +1,

    Maxixi Casaque +1,

    Meghanada Gloves +1,

    Adhemar Wristbands R15,

    Kobo Kote,

    Meghanada Jambeaux +1,

    Marked Gorget,

    Belenus' Cape x2(AGI+20 Rng. Acc. +30 Rng. Atk +20 WSDMG.+10)(Snapshot +10),

    Camulus' Mantle x2(AGI+20 Rng. Acc. +30 Rng. Atk +20 WSDMG.+10)(Snapshot +10)

    List out any gil type items:
    Ioskeha Belt, Blurred Shield, Pixie Hairpin +1, Auster's Pearl +1

    Bid:600 Buyout:500 Must use Middleman

    Please PM or reply to thread thanks
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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