Selling SWTOR Account 5 LVL70 Chars / 6.2K CC / 60M creds

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by noobysnax, 4/1/17.

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  1. noobysnax

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    I am selling a account with 5 Characters LVL 70 with gear rating of 230 for most. Loaded with Credits, Cartel Coins, Mounts (vehicles), special unlocks, pets, decorations etc.
    The account also has a free character transfer to any server you want.
    The Chars are on the EU server The Red Eclipse

    The Chars are: Juggernaut, Sorcerer, Assassin, Mercenary and Operative.
    - 60 Million credits, most being on 1 char
    - 6250 Cartel Coins (and increasing)
    - 600 Command tokens
    - 300 Unassembled Components
    - Huge amount of valuable Cartel Market items in the cargo slots:

    - Screenshot by Lightshot (this ss is outdated, there's now over 6k CC)

    The account gets extra CC monthly from the referrals, + 500 extra if sub.
    All Characters have Max expanded inventory and extra Cargo Hold slots.

    They also all have plenty of personal Legacy unlocks including the CXP bonus.
    - Screenshot by Lightshot

    Global unlocks - Screenshot by Lightshot
    There are also extra species unlocked such as Chiss, Twi Lek and Sith- Screenshot by Lightshot

    ALL strongholds unlocked. With them a bunch of decoration stuff:
    - Screenshot by Lightshot

    There's also plenty of special treats for the buyer.

    For more details and images feel free to contact me.
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