Sold Selling [na] os kirito, os asuna, os sinon (all with os weps) + 1k md on android~

Discussion in 'Sword Art Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bokura, 3/31/17.

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  1. Bokura

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    Looking to sell my account since I'm a bit bored of the game. Here's everything it has:

    Rank 93

    Memory Diamonds immediately available to spend: 1007

    4* Chars:
    4* L80 OS Kirito with 4* OS Weapon
    4* L85 OS Asuna with 4* OS Weapon
    4* L80 OS Sinon with 4* OS Weapon
    4* L100 Maxed Rechka
    4* L80 ALO Rain
    4* L80 Yuna, L80 Nightwear Asuna + L80 Fairy Dance Kirito (Unmaxed)

    Gacha Weps:
    4* Dagger (SAO Silica's)
    4* Mace (SAO Lisbeth's)
    4* Mace (OS Lisbeth's)

    Farmed Accessories/Armor:
    R4 Yuna Sword x2 Maxed
    R4 OS Body Female x3 All Maxed
    R4 OS Body Male x2 (1 Maxed, 1 isn't)
    R4 Augma x4 (All Maxed)
    Misc: At least one R4 maxed of each event armor/accessory after the OS event.

    Stat Crystals:
    4800+ of every small, 2800+ of every medium, 780+ of every large
    1900+ small EXP potion, ~800 medium EXP potion, ~600 x-large XP potion
    18 Gold Medals from Ranking Events

    I'm looking for offers for the account... I'll basically ignore anything lower than $100 but please send me a PM if you're interested.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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