Sold Selling Red Eclipse Legendary Account with 7 empire 70s and 8 pub 60/50s.

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by InsilicoDrone, 3/30/17.

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  1. InsilicoDrone

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    Selling this legendary account on Red Eclipse which Im the only original owner of,

    lvl 50 legacy with most global unlocks, average unlock on achievements ranges from 30% to 60%, events are low apart Bounties wich is 100%,

    each toon has 3 - 4 mils but currently in escrow since sub has expired and now its preferred status,

    has some rare weapons armors and mounts unlocked in collection like:

    Volatile conqueror's lightsaber
    Black Nebula Blaster
    Ambassador Meditation Hoverchair
    Shae Vizla and Commander Vizla Armor sets
    Sith Raider set
    MSM J-9 jetpack
    Valiant Jedi set
    Balmorran Handcannon Grek
    Rolan Dyre armor set
    and many more

    Toons are:
    70 Sith Assassin with Darkness 242/240 full set and Deception/hatred 236/240 full set, fully augmented with both pvp and pve mods and augments.
    Volatile Derelict Saberstaff and others

    70 Sith Sorcerer with Corruption 240/236 full set, fully augmented.
    Volatile conqueror's lightsaber. 600 Artifice and relative gathering profs

    70 BH Mercenary with 230/236 240 full dps set, fully augmented.
    Many blastera available on this one. 600 Armormech and relative gathering profs

    70 Ag Operative with 230/236 full dps set, fully augmented
    EE-1 Blaster Rifle.

    70 BH PowerTech with 230 full dps set, partially augmented. 600 Armsmech and relative gathering profs
    Balmorran Handcannon Grek, Black Nebula blaster.

    70 AG Sniper with half 230 gear, not augmented. 400 Biochem with relative gathering profs.
    Many cartel market snipers on this.

    70 Sith Juggernaut with 4 230 pieces, not augmented. 400 Synthweaving with relative gathering profs.
    Energized Conqueror Lightsaber.

    All above toons are 50+ valor.

    Rest is a lvl 40 Sith Marauder and 8 pubs ranging from 65 to 50.

    Trek and HK unlocked as companions.

    50% both Imperial and Pub Classes Global Unlocks
    80% Datacron Collection

    Origin Account linked has SW Battlefront Ultimate Edition.

    I'm looking for 150E right now, open to offers. Pm me.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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