Selling Selling Shadowverse End-Game Account: 88+ Legendary, 40k Vials etc

Discussion in 'Shadowverse Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Put Tank In A Mall, 3/30/17.

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  1. Put Tank In A Mall

    Put Tank In A Mall
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    Shadowverse End-Game Account

    - Original owner: played since June 2016
    - Full collection: 88 Legendary cards on hand, with 40k+ vials to craft whichever card you want
    - Lots of Animated cards
    - VERY close to Master Rank (currently AA3, 2.7k points away from Master)
    - 400 Crystals left
    - Sea Queen Otohime Special Pack purchased
    - Almost all card sleeves and emblems obtained

    Price: $300 or drop me your best offer

    In my effort to quit gaming I'm selling the account of the game I've really enjoyed since the day I started it. Price ain't cheap but it's probably one of the most complete accounts out there. You won't even get 20% of it with the same amount spent on a new account, let alone the effort needed to climb rank ladder.

    If you're interested add me on Skype @ shinnderella or drop me an email @ [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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