Bought a Netflix account, being used by 10+ people

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by stehilton94, 3/29/17.

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  1. stehilton94

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    I bought a Netflix account, won't say who from just yet so they don't get in trouble, but I paid a higher price due to it being with a 3 month warranty and 2 screens HD, Since I bought it I have had a number of times where I cannot use it due to there being too many people using it, I recently checked the account viewing history of IP's and it shows a huge number of different IP's/Locations and I understand a VPN can cause that but its also showing different devices for each being PS4/Xbox/PC/Iphone/Android/Smart TV etc. which cannot be caused by a VPN.

    I have attempted to speak to the seller about this but they are yet to reply, my question is does this qualify as a scam? As Clearly they have sold this single account to multiple people and not just me, and considering I paid a Higher than normal price for a 3 month gaurentee surely this is against the rules? Thanks to anyone who can help me, sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this.
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