Selling Wow:legion, d3:ros, overwatch:deluxe, hs: 1exps [eu]

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mikkis2k, 3/28/17.

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  1. Mikkis2k

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    Selling my bnet acc because of a change in my lifestyle

    The acc has wow:legion, d3:ros, overwatch: Deluxe and HS with the fire expansion.

    wow acc has a few 110s ranging from ilvl 850-881.
    classes in 110 are: paladin, druid, demon hunter, Death knight, all have the class hall campaign done etc, skinning,lw at max on the demon hunter, all horde characters.

    The paladin is holy and got 10/10 NH, 881ilvl, hidden
    The acc got a few rare mounts and pets, about 9800 achiv points.

    Overwatch is at level 31 i think.

    Send me a PM or add me on skype: kimmels2

    price: 50€
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