Selling Selling S> 10.3k human on mari server

Discussion in 'Mabinogi Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Spacebagel, 3/26/17.

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  1. Spacebagel

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    S> Level 10.3k (2070 exploration) male human on Mari server. 3422 unused AP.

    Talents -

    Master Archer

    Master Battle Alchemist

    Master Merchant

    Master Bard

    Master Construct Alchemist

    Master Adventurer

    Master Tailor

    Master Fighter

    Master Warrior

    Master Puppeteer

    Pets -

    41 pets total

    10 cloud pets (infinite dark knight transformation)

    2 pegasus

    3 ice dragons

    2 bone dragons

    2 thunder dragons

    1 phoenix

    1 crystal reindeer

    Items -

    DevCat Bag, 3 medium sized bags, 1 luxury equipment bag, 1 alchemy bag, 1 item bag, 3 Eirawen's bags

    Full Synthesis set (alchemy)

    Two Black Dragon Knight's Bows (One with bad reforge, one with lvl 5 elemental)

    Encore Ambush Bohemian Wear

    Solo Camo Bohemian Shoes

    Oblivion Dexterity Bohemian Hat

    Solo Camo Bohemian Band

    2x Oblivion Purple Heart

    Spark Mimic Lorica Gloves

    2x Heated Healer Accessories

    Hot Foot Cowboy Flamerider Boots

    Seething Flamerider Outfit

    Synergy Magma R6 Demonic Hellfire Cylinder

    Synergy Magma Rebis Guard Cylinder

    61 mhp sweethear's handwarmer

    18 max damage Matching Couples T-Shirt

    Speedy Heavy Punch R6 Champion Knuckles (Ele 5, lvl 12 pummel)

    Untamed Crocodile R6 Dowra SE

    R1 R6 Knight's Lance

    Bassanio's Costume (Lvl 19 Transport Speed)

    Spy's Raccoon Cub Pirate Woodworker Wear (-1000 cp)

    Abysmal Cooking Pot (-500 cp)

    Nuadha Robe

    Stats (No modifiers from titles/items/lvls) -

    536 str

    419 int

    687 dex

    631 will

    137 luck

    766 HP

    684 MP

    902 Stamina

    108.7% crit

    Additional Information -

    Very high levels of commerce

    Primarily geared for Alchemy (Fire Alchemy & Transmutation), Archery, and Fighting

    Lots of additional items, mats, usables, dyes, other gear (weapons and apparel) worth gold

    5 characters cards, 1 partner card for commerce partner, and 1 pet card.

    2 mule characters (Below 1k)

    18.3 million gold

    4.2 million ducats

    Other high-level characters on other nexon games (Maplestory, Dragon Nest)

    Looking to sell my account for around $400-500, but price is definitely #. Will regularly check this thread and update, best place to contact me is on discord, add me Spacebagel#3475 if interested.

    Open to selling items/gold, but would prefer to sell the whole package ASAP.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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