I need to sell the account because i haven't got time anymore to play this game. The account is on EU-391 got 3.2 million br and is everywhere rank 1. Also its the guildleader of the rank 1 guild on this server. Title: Pvp King, Elyon, Hunter, The Guild Pets: Sinnor, Murlor, Aexuixal, Koxahl, Vaszon, Feoxur, Sabelon, Kinar Petfragments: Xeumach 45/75, Criarino 21/75, Raphael 20/100 Wrathwings: Demon, Inferno, Destiny, Lich, Strider, Requiem, Tyrant, Judgement, Skyhunter Fragments: Immortal 22/80, Seraph 17/80 The set is complete rank 8 (more infos you can get from the screenshot) If you're interested you can PM here or on line: exepto