one is a boy user is acidxrash - level 115 has 198 stars and 1222 ecoins, 10 stickers, 13 different hairs, 34 tops, 10 bottoms, 2 outfits, 5 outfits, 15 shoes, 12 boards, 15 body accessory, 3 face accessory and 3 hair accessory, 5 moodies and 2 creatures - paypal only - 25 bucks - message me one is a girl user is aveenobaby - level 82 has 256 stars and 1010 ecoins, 1 sticker, 6 different hairs, 19 tops, 5 bottoms, 1 outfit, 1 costume, 12 shoes, 8 boards, 5 body accessory, 2 face accessory, 2 hair accessory, 3 moodies, 1 pair of earrings, 1 creature - paypal only - 15 bucks - message me