Hello. Today I have my godly FFXIV account for sale. I've spent countless hours on it as you will see on the screenshots below. It has almost everything you could ever dream of in this game and is absolutely perfect account to start Stormblood on. I quit FFXIV as I simply have very little time to play and in near future, I will have even less. Without further ado, here's what you get : - FFXIV ACC FOR SALE - Album on Imgur Screenshots -ARR + HW collector edition -PC account (but can be expanded to ps4 license as well) -1260 day subscriped (vet reward rank 13 - been playing since day 1 of ARR) -16 days left of sub as it stands right now -All jobs lvled to 60 and geared/melded with upgraded shire/alex/crafter gear. Itemlevels are (summoner 269, blackmage 269, paladin 270, warrior 270, dark knight 269, dragoon 264, monk 264, bard 260, machnist 260, white mage 262, scholar 262, astro 262, ninja 257) -All crafters lvled to 60 and geared with ironworks, fully melded and capable of crafting every item in the game (all recipes unlocked) -All gatherers lvled to 60 and geared with ironworks, not perfectly melded as there's never been a reason to do it. Capable of gathering every item in the game (all ARR nodes and folklore nodes unlocked) -373 milions gils allowing you to get practically anything you want from the marketboard -2 x i275 anima completed (Summoner and Warrior) -3 x i135 relic zeta completed (Summoner, Black Mage and Warrior) -7 x i275 alexandrian weapon (SMN, BLM, WAR, PLD, MCH, BRD, NIN) - tons of relic related items : 50+ of unidentifiable item of each type, 48 singing clusters, 41 umbrite, 40 crystal sand, 4 aether oils and more. This allows you to start any anima weapon you'd wish to get and get it VERY quickly. -A LOT of alex savage tokens (15 x a9s, 15 x a10s, 5x a11s, 16x a12s) allowing you to buy even more gear -All quests, primals and raids completed. You will not see a single unfinished quest -All beast tribes have maxed out reputation (both ARR and HW ones) -59 mounts with many rare ones like : Firebird, a4s gobwalker, fenrir, whisper go go, all garo mounts, the feast mount, both ADS mounts from frontlines, twintania from recruit a friend campaign, night pegasus from POTD, white chocobo from seasonal promotion etc. Check screenshots if you want to see them all -184 minions with plenty of rare ones. Check screenshots for full list. -8685 achievement points, many titles unlocked -2523 commendations -Rank 50 PVP with platinum wolf title unlocked -Retainers filled with glamour items from ARR and HW. Old coils dyable sets, primal crafted weapons, pure glamour items etc. Over 400 items total -All seasonal events completed. All items and glamour gear obtained and stored in armoire -Maxed out solo FC with fully decorated small house, 4 maxed out airships -Maxed out squadron - over 1.1 mil MGP that you can save for future mounts, as I did obtain pretty much all rewards up to this point. 134 Triple Triad cards (just one missing from tournaments!), R300 racing chocobo that I have 95% win ratio on. The list can go on forever so to not waste your time I'll end it here. If you have any further questions or perhaps want to see anything specific on the screenshot - simply let me know and I will provide anything you need Accepting offers for now. After seeing some other accounts here, 500-600+ USD is the absolute minimum I'd go for. Will accept the best offer of course. Won't be logging here much, so contact me directly via Discord - walle#6008 (preferable) or ADD ME TO SKYPE
I am interested in buying this account if it has the white and black ads mounts. my starting price is a 1000$ usd.
Interested in your account, Lad... my starting price is a 1000$ usd. As long as it has the white and black Ads mounts.
Don't waste your time mates, this seller was found out to be a scammer on other major account buy/selling sites
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