Sold Selling WTS FF14 + Heavensward, Summoner lvl 54 and few at 30 (+ mog station items)

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DefAge, 3/24/17.

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  1. DefAge

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    WTS personal account (EU), server Zodiark. No sub, but I can pay for your first month if you wish.

    Classes: Arcanist lvl54 (both Summoner and Scholar unlocked), others you can see on the pic below.
    MSQ: all Story Quests done till Heavensward, unlocked flying in first Heavensward zone.
    Mounts and other goodies: all quest mounts till black chocobo, including Unicorn, Zu bought from TP. 170+k gil in wallet, some at retainers, 53k MGSP to start your ******** journey. 5 gelmorran potsherd (another 5 needed for PotD mount), Padjali codex acquired (almost enought for Kinna Codex)
    Mog station items: Lightning's Attire, Valentione Apron Dress Attire
    Also, with first subscribed month you get a Phial of Fantasia, so you can completely change how my character looks if you don't like it (not recommended, catgirls is a # \s).
    Price: 40$. Webmoney only (paypal is not an option, unfortunately, thanks to my shitty country). Can work with middle man.
    If you have any questions\other offers, feel free to PM me.
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