[Release] Rainbow Six Siege | SDK |

Discussion in 'Rainbow Six Siege Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by SilverCancer, 3/23/17.

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  1. SilverCancer

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    The simple SDK for internal R6S #.

    Entity class at the moment has only 2 functions

    Vector3& Entity::GetPosition();
    Vector3& Entity::GetHeadPosition();

    Example of usage with my renderer (Rendering with ImGUI):

    #include "Engine/GameManager.h"
    #include "Engine/GameRenderer.h"

    auto pGameManager = Engine::GameManager::GetInstance();
    auto pCamera = Engine::GameRenderer::GetInstance()->GetCamera();

    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < pGameManager->GetEntities().GetSize(); i++)
    Engine::Entity* pEntity = pGameManager->GetEntities();
    Engine::Vector3 screenPosition = pCamera->WorldToScreen(pEntity->GetPosition());
    float distance = pCamera->GetViewTranslation().Distance(pEntity->GetPosition());

    if (screenPosition.z >= 1.0f)
    TextFormat(META_STRING("Entity [%.0f m]"), distance),
    ImVec2(screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y), 16.0f, 0xFF047BF9, true);

    Note: Camera.cpp uses ImGui to get display size.

    ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();

    return *(new Vector3(
    (io.DisplaySize.x / 2) * (1 + x / GetViewFovX() / z),
    (io.DisplaySize.y / 2) * (1 - y / GetViewFovY() / z),
    I attached an Image of the result.

    Attached Images
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