GiveMeMyItem! Hi, This is SWF which I made semi-quickly. I had no real struggling with this one like with my last SWF lol So yeah, I started to make this SWF as I saw request of @sam_tunder and I couldn't resist temptation, so I started and finished, yep. SWF design maybe isn't that cool :p What this SWF does? First of all, meaning of this SWF isn't to surpass my reward grabber and id checker, this is similar but not c/p of them. You enter correct item name and quest ID in the textfields and press Start button. Then SWF starts to complete quest (whole process takes 3 seconds) and when quest rewards you with item you wanted, SWF stops running. Simple as that. Also, SWF ignores case sensitivity, so you can write in the textfield ex. scrap metal. (quest id is 52, then.) Reminder: Recommended to have good internet connection when using this script. Note: You can change item name or quest ID when script is running. Doing this doesn't mess up script, apart from that if item you are searching isn't from the quest you are loading and finishing, script stops never, naturally. Virus scans Scan 1 Scan 2 Approve, pl0x! @JamesBond Downloadable Files GiveMeMyItem! [Download and Thanks] (70.8 KB)